Friday, October 24, 2008

Holiday Cards

Hi Everyone,

Yes, I know you're still figuring out the last details (or first details?!) for Halloween next week but it's time to start thinking about Holiday cards for December ASAP! I have 6 great new designs* for cards this year! The first 4 are clean, white, and modern while the last two are more traditional, with rich colors. They can all be customized as well. So, pick out your favorite images from our photo shoot this year OR call me to schedule a mini-session in November to have fresh fall photos just in time for the cards. I will post more details about that soon!

M. Larson

~all the designs shown below have my watermark logo that will not appear on printed cards~
*designs by Limberdog Designs and V Gallery*

"Ornaments Card Design"
ornamentsonastring_Front_sample copy
ornamentsonastring_insideSpread_sample copy

"Trees Card Design"
Pinktrees_Front_sample copy
Pinktrees_insideSpread_sample copy

"Presents Card Design"

presents_Front_sample copy
presents_insideSpread_sample copy

"Snowflakes Card Design"

snowflakepeace_Front_sample copy
snowflakepeace_insideSpread_sample copy

"Red and Gold Dots Card Design"

RedGold_Front_Sample copy

RedGold_Inside-Spread_sample copy

"Blue and Red Dots Card Design"

BlueRedDots_Front_sample copy
BlueRedDots_Back_sample copy