Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Letterpress! So exciting!

Just in time for the 2011 Holiday Season, I am so excited to be offering for the very first time ever - LETTERPRESS cards with my images! Letterpress is unbelievably gorgeous and high quality and is so hot in the wedding and invitation market. But, we haven't been able to combine letterpress and photographic images...until now! These are perfect for luxury birth announcements or holiday cards. The printing uses modern colors and designs and the cards have so much impact in both their look and feel. These will definitely stand out from the crowd.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Seattle Family Portraits - by M. Larson Photography

Recently I had the pleasure of photographing a Seattle family with a beautiful 13 year old daughter.  I loved her outfit and the cute flower in her hair.  This family was a ton of fun to photograph and we did the session in their rather magical green and woody backyard, and also down the street in their neighborhood. 

Miss S here is at that great age - thirteen - and she's going into the 8th grade.  She is an amazingly talented fiddle player and we took time in the middle of the session for her and her Dad to jam a bit for me.  She played recently at Folk Life and has her first CD out!  How cool is that?! 

I hope to photograph the very pretty Miss S as she becomes a teenager.  Shooting something a little different from my maternity and newborn portraits really got my creative energy flowing!  It was kind of nice to have a subject old enough to listen and sit still, though I'll still happily chase after 2-year-olds any day.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tucker - Newborn Portraits (in a VIDEO!) by M. Larson Photo

This could be something new and exciting - it's a little video teaser that I made. My very first one! I used newborn baby Tucker's portraits for this sample. I could definitely see posting these fun little videos as portrait previews or for families to share their favorite images after the session! Check it out:

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cute Little Isabel - Seattle Child Portraits by M. Larson Photography

Isabel is such an adorable little two year old.  Plus a little girl in a rainbow shirt and baby-sized chucks is a girl after my own heart!  (I would totally wear a grown up version of her exact outfit right now.)

She's fun, energetic, loves to laugh, and had a great time at her portrait session running around the rock and roll atmosphere of Seattle Center, albeit at a quiet 8:30 in the morning.  She needed only about 2 and a half seconds to warm up and she was flashing smiles and her big eyes at me.

She is very expressive but when she is serious for a moment (as long as a two year old can be, really) her face changes shape beautifully and entirely and her portraits become very soulful.  I had such a hard time narrowing down her proofs because I couldn't choose between her many different looks.  I look forward to photographing her as she grows up.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Baby Tucker is 7 Days Old - Seattle Newborn Photography

Baby Tucker is such a sweet baby - he arrived nearly on time, as planned at home here in Seattle, and is so far leading my tiniest little newborn of 2011 "contest" at just 6 pounds. He was very snuggly at his newborn portrait session at just 7 days old.

You'll probably recognize his mama from our M. Larson Photography maternity portrait session on the beach a few weeks ago. She looks so fresh and gorgeous for a woman who is no doubt a little bit sleepy and still adjusting to her new life as a mother. Don't you think?

During his portrait session, Tucker peed in his parents' bed and pooped right into his Dad's hand (how convenient!) - providing me with a hilarious "outtake" that I'm not sure I can share with the internet. That one might just have to stay in the archives forever.  The only thing he didn't do is open his eyes so his parents will have lots of beautiful sleeping baby boy photos but we will have to wait to see his pretty eyes at his next portrait session.

Enjoy the newborn portraits and have a great weekend everyone! More sneak peeks are coming next week from a bunch of bubbly 1-2 year olds I photographed recently.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Love love love!

One of my Seattle maternity portrait clients just called and made my day.  She described which maternity portraits she loved best from her session at Golden Gardens and when she told me why she loved this one...it gave me goosebumps and reminded me why I love being a professional photographer!

A few years ago, on the day of their wedding, they met on the beach as bride and groom before the ceremony to see each other for the first time in a private setting.   There were no photographs to capture the moment he first laid eyes on her in her wedding dress, but Catherine remembers this being the look on Joe's face.  She had only her memory of that moment until she saw this portrait.  It captured all the love and happiness in his face as he looked at her in a new way...now carrying his child.

Ah,  the romance!  I love it!  Knowing this story will give my heart little butterflies every time I look at it.  I am so blessed to be able to give my clients artwork that brings their unique life stories into focus.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Seattle Maternity Portraits - Couples by M. Larson Photography

One of the reasons I love being a maternity and newborn photographer is because I get to be around people who are very much in love. It's a different kind of in love than creating engagement portraits, or being a wedding photographer. It's the kind of in love that people are when they are expecting a baby or are in awe of their newborn. Couples seem closer than ever as they are taking the biggest step in their lives. Mamas radiate love of their unborn babies, fathers-to-be are radiate love of their amazing wives carrying their children. It's just an incredibly special time and I get a lot of positive energy from being around these new families. This couple was no exception. They had a fantastic connection to each other, like life-long best friends embarking on a new journey together. It made me very happy to create these portraits from C's pregnancy.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Seattle Maternity Portraits by M. Larson Photography

This gorgeous blond mama-to-be had to wait a very long time for a not-cold-and-rainy-or-hailing day for her April, outdoor, Seattle maternity portrait session! Every day we were foiled by the weather, sometimes to have it clear up just an hour later. Finally we took a chance and drove to the beach and were blessed with dry, if not spectacular, photography weather! She definitely had that pregnancy glow and the beach seemed to suit her very well. The first hour of our session, it was just us girls chit chatting while we took portraits. Later her husband joined us and we created some really lovely couples maternity portraits that show just how in love they are and just how excited they are to welcome a new baby in early May.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Last Chance! Sign up to Win!

There's still time to sign up for the M. Larson Photography newsletter.  

One lucky person will win an exclusive Mother's Day Package worth over $500! 

How to enter:

All you need to do is sign up for our free monthly email newsletter that Martha sends about all things related to mama+baby portrait photography. There will be inspirational quotes and portraits, tips on photography and sharing your images, ways to make the most of your portrait investment, and exclusive info for newsletter subscribers.

Already an M. Larson Photography client? Share this opportunity with friends, family, PEPS groups, neighborhood mom email lists, etc. and when they sign up and mention your name in the “Referred By” box, you are both entered to win. The more friends you refer, the more chances you’ll have to win!

Click here to sign up! 

(HTML only version, click here!)

Mother's Day is coming up soon and this would be beyond an amazing present for one lucky subscriber!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mother's Day is Coming Up

Mother's Day is often a very special time for the clients of M. Larson Photography because for many of them, it's their very first Mother's Day with their newborn babies in their arms.

If you're already a client, you may be remember that one amazing image that you just loved from your portrait session. You probably envisioned it as a beautiful wall canvas or carrying it close to your heart in a piece of jewelry. Perhaps you dreamt about getting it but you were focused on making sure Grandpa and Grandma got all their gift prints during your newborn session.

Now would be a good time to hint to your partner or your parents to give you something that you've been wanting for Mother's Day. I am always willing to use any portrait from your proofs to create a unique and lovely present for you. Just give them a nudge and have them give me a call!

p.s. Don't forget about my Mother's Day Package Giveaway worth $500! Share this opportunity with friends, family, PEPS groups, neighborhood mom email lists, etc. and when they sign up and mention your name in the “Referred By” box, you are both entered to win. The more friends you refer, the more chances you’ll have to win! Click here to sign up!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Mother's Day Sessions and Gift Certificates

Sometimes the simplest Mother's Day present is a gift certificate for a session. It's the experience of actually doing the session, mother and child, that is so special. It can be a time to bond and then you always have beautiful portraits to remember the day by. There's still time to book a session or buy a gift certificate for Mother's Day!

p.s. Don't forget about my Mother's Day Package Giveaway worth $500! Share this opportunity with friends, family, PEPS groups, neighborhood mom email lists, etc. and when they sign up and mention your name in the “Referred By” box, you are both entered to win. The more friends you refer, the more chances you’ll have to win! Click here to sign up!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mother's Day Package Giveaway!

 Mother's Day Package Giveaway!

Sign up and one lucky person will win an exclusive Mother's Day Package worth over $500!

How to enter:
All you need to do is sign up for our free monthly email newsletter that Martha sends about all things related to mama+baby portrait photography.  There will be inspirational quotes and portraits, tips on photography and sharing your images, ways to make the most of your portrait investment, and exclusive info for newsletter subscribers.

Already an M. Larson Photography client? Share this opportunity with friends, family, PEPS groups, neighborhood mom email lists, etc. and when they sign up and mention your name in the “Referred By” box, you are both entered to win. The more friends you refer, the more chances you’ll have to win!

Click here to sign up!
(HTML only version, click here!)

Mother's Day is coming up soon and this would be beyond an amazing present for one lucky subscriber!